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Tuesday, July 18, 2023

She's Always Ready to Play Jenga.

Image by Susan Foster.

I sometimes participate in a monthly six-word photo story challenge on Medium. When I saw that "play" was the prompt for July, the idea for this photo and the following two-sentence "story" came to mind.

The tower falls. We try again.


These six words do tell a story, but they leave out the details of why and how this came about. 

During a long, cold winter when temperatures were well below zero, I tried to think of ways to keep our dog entertained. So I taught her some tricks. 

One of which was how to play Jenga.

She caught on much more quickly than I anticipated. Almost right away, she got the concept of taking just one block from the tower.
Image by Susan Foster.

She doesn't like to take turns, but the "wait" command helps out with that.
Image by Susan Foster.

Most difficult of all was getting the main objective of the game across to her ... that the blocks must be removed gently from the stack so that none of the other blocks fall. Sometimes she does this. But often her enthusiastic approach causes the block tower to fall. 
Image by Susan Foster

We're still working on that. We stack them up and try again.

When we finish playing, she helps me put the blocks back in the bag. This cleanup effort requires lots of prompts, but I've seen toddlers be less cooperative.
Image by Susan Foster.

I was not the first person to teach a dog to play Jenga. I got the idea from this video on Instagram that features a dog named Secret, probably the best canine Jenga player, ever. Secret and Mary, her human, set the bar for the rest of us pretty high! I doubt that we will ever get that good, but it's fun to try.


In addition to the original small blocks, there's even a giant version of the game of Jenga, with jumbo blocks that stack to over five feet high, I wonder what our dog would think of that!


One word of warning: Jenga blocks used with canine players may become riddled with tooth marks. It's pretty tempting for a dog to occasionally chomp right down on them!

This blog post contains affiliate links for products I believe in. This does not affect the price of items purchased, but I may receive some compensation. 

Have you ever seen a dog play Jenga? 


  1. Huge smiles. And dogs can be gentle. Our German Shepherd loved kittens. She would pick them up and carry them round. When she returned them to their mama they were soggy but unharmed. It depended how she picked them up whether their legs or heads emerged from her mouth as she trotted round with them.

    1. Mama cat might have enjoyed the break - but maybe didn't appreciate getting them back so soggy!

  2. Not only have I never seen a dog play Jenga, I'd never have thought it possible. Very entertaining.

    1. I give full credit to the video I linked in the post. I never would have thought it possible, if I hadn't seen it there.

  3. I'm always surprised when I see cats and dogs picking up their own babies in their mouths. Would they not get harmed? And they are not!

  4. Holy Moly! This is amazing! And I thought my dog was smart because she can close a door! ;)

    1. We think she's pretty special. But I'm sure your dog is too, Diane! Thanks for commenting!

  5. Hi Susan - I'm popping over to catch up after ages! Lovely to see your comment on my blog and good to re-connect. This was a fun post - and a very clever dog!

    1. Thanks for commenting, Leanne! I've missed reading your posts and I'll try to catch more of them more often.


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