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Saturday, May 1, 2021

Do Other Writers Have These Thoughts?

When my insecurities woke me up one night, I wrote them down.

bed and bedside table with a light
Image by Susan Foster.

A Writer's Doubts.

Are the hours I sit in my chair in front of my computer time well spent?
Should I be doing something else instead?

Hours go by, and all I do is write.
Is this a worthwhile effort? 
Should I be doing something else?

Do other writers feel the way I do?
Do they have feelings of uncertainty and doubt,
as they write the minutes of their lives away?

Are the words that spray out from my pen ever any good?
Are the thoughts I share just commonplace or are they brilliant news?
Do people read my work because it draws them in?
Or do they read only out of loyalty to me or, worse yet, obligation?

Have other writers found my work because it’s too good not to read, 
or simply because I left a comment on one of their own stories
and they want to return the favor?

What would I be doing if I wasn’t writing?
Should I be spending such vast quantities of time on this?

Perhaps these questions are of a futile type.
I’m not sure there’s anything I can do but write.

I’m not sure there’s any way I cannot write.

Do other writers have thoughts like this?
Or are these concerns and doubts uniquely mine?

Do you ever get up and record your own thoughts at night? If you do, are you then able to go back to sleep?


  1. I am a reader rather than a writer but my thoughts often do wake me. Rarely pleasantly.
    If it is your passion then keep doing it. Sadly many artists (whatever their genre) fail to receive the appreciation which is their due.

    1. I've read your stories, EC. You are definitely a reader AND a writer! ;)

  2. I can relate to all of this and I like the way you've written it as a poem. Thank you for writing it :>)

    1. Thanks so much, Lynne. I don't usually write poetry, but that is how these lines came to me in my half awake state!


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