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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

It's Been a While

"It's been a while" is a bit of an understatement. 

It's been nearly a year since there's been anything new published on this blog. In fact, it has been so long, it will take courage for me to hit publish once I complete this post.

Some bloggers announce they will take a hiatus, or go into hibernation for a bit. I wish I had. However, to make a statement about taking a break, you have to know you will be doing so. I didn't. Instead, I started to fade away and then just disappeared. Nothing has been published here since January 1st, 2017.

Screenshot of my blog archive stats

I got stuck

This blog was once an almost daily habit, and something that I loved and nurtured. Somehow though, I strayed away from its original intent and the reasons it brought me joy. I fell prey to what tempts all bloggers: a need for blog success. My work became influenced by the techniques everyone says are necessary to be a successful blogger. Those differed from the ones I was comfortable with and that made me happy. I finally just got stuck. 

Some real life stuff got in my way as well. Having both our kids away at school, some family members with significant health issues, and the prolonged illness and eventual loss of our beloved dog all impacted my writing muse. I quit writing altogether for a while.

Eulogy for our dog

I got off-track

Bloggers share a lot about themselves, their family, and friends in a very public way. I have always wrestled with concerns about the Internet and privacy, but in past posts I tried to do the "smart" blogging thing. Loyal readers got to know me and my family pretty well. 

This blog however, was never intended to be a diary or a newsletter about my life. While following the popular blogging trend of sharing a lot of personal details and posting frequently, this blog became a little bit of both. While I enjoy the personal connections of blogging, that was never the main purpose of this website. 

I took a big step back and retreated from writing, blogging, and all other forms of social media. As the months went by, however, my need to write returned. I took some online writing classes, have been doing freelance writing as a ghost writer, resumed work on some short stories, and even won a fiction writing contest! Now, I'm ready to return to blogging with a clear plan of how I should proceed.

My new way of blogging

This blog began as a place for me to write and to pass along helpful ways for making the most of life. I've missed having this space to be creative and sharing good tips and tidbits with this audience. That is the main reason I'm resuming work at The Most -- of Every Moment.

I'm back to being a blogger, but in a very different way. I'll no longer be posting on a schedule or with any regularity. Posts will be published only when I have something worthwhile I want to share, and when I have time to write about it. If you want to follow along, the best way would be to sign up for my newsletter, which will deliver posts right to your email. 

I'm looking forward to getting caught up with the blogging community and reading favorite blogs again. I will probably resume some use of social media. Primarily Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest, and mostly just to read what others are doing and share the helpful things I find.

Something worthwhile: for readers who are also writers. 

Aside from apologizing for disappearing and informing you of the future of this blog, I mentioned courses and a contest offered by websites I enjoy. If you write, be sure to check these out:

  • The Write Life is a website that offers a wealth of information for writers and bloggers. They offered the amazing bundle of writing courses I signed up for last spring.
  • Re:Fiction is a wonderful resource that I recommend for all fiction writers. They host a monthly content for fiction writing from a prompt; the winner gets a prize and there's no entry fee!

Thank you 

Thank you to all of this blog's loyal readers, and to anyone who is visiting here for the first time today. 

When I spent some time this morning reading through my archives, I was pleasantly reminded by the volume of useful information published here. I even learned some things that I'd forgotten! I hope my past and future posts are valuable to you as well. That is the best measurement of this blog's success.

How can I help you find ways to make the most -- of all your moments?


  1. Hooray! Welcome back, Susan. I have missed you. Thank you for sharing that you got stuck when it came to blogging. I completely understand as a similar thing happened to me. But I'm back and am so delighted to learn that you are as well. Let's have fun!

    1. Thanks so much Kelly! I have missed you too. I hope the work on your book is going well!!

  2. Susan, every bit of this post speaks to me. I, too, have been on a long, unintended break from blogging. Your words and seeing my dear pal Kelly’s admission of experiencing the same “stuck” feeling gives me hope that I can rejoin you both in the blog world!

    1. It's reassuring to know I'm not the only one who faded out for a bit. Getting "unstuck" was harder than I expected. I've been thinking about adding a post for a while, but didn't know exactly how to reappear! Good luck to you!

  3. Welcome back.
    I completely understand why you stepped away.
    And have missed you.

    1. Thanks EC! I have always admired your consistency - both in posting and in commenting on the blogs you follow. You have long been a blogging/writing role model of mine, and I appreciate your support!

  4. Yahoo! So glad you are writing again. You are very talented. I have really missed your blog. Hello to your family.Happy Thanksgiving.

  5. It is so nice to welcome you back, Susan! I've missed you! I was reading some of my old posts and saw your name and clicked on your site, but, as you said, it hadn't been visited in awhile. I look forward to renewing our friendship!
    Went to both of those sites. Entered a contest and generally made a nuisance of myself. All is well!

    1. Hi Diane! It's nice to be back in touch. I'm glad to hear the links were helpful- and if you entered a contest, I suspect you will win it! Your writing has always inspired me!

  6. So glad you are doing this again. I missed it. Hope you and your family had a blessed Thanksgiving. I look forward to reading your writing again. You are so talented! Congrats on the award.

    1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family too!


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