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Monday, June 6, 2016

Too Busy to Write.

My son's high school graduation was on Saturday, and what a whirlwind of activities and emotions the past week has been. I am so very proud of him and his older sister, and grateful for all of the many people who have had a positive impact on their lives.

Graduates threw their caps into the air.

Farewell to high school.

It was bittersweet to celebrate my youngest child's graduation from high school, but it was so much fun to celebrate with many of the people who have been important to us over the years.  We attended a multitude of graduation parties, and yesterday hosted a large one of our own. 

I turned on my computer today and realized I have one more little thing to celebrate.

With all of the special events, visitors, and party preparations it has been a week since I have published anything or even had time to respond to comments on my blog.  The timing of things in life can be ironic;
today an article I wrote about obstacles to writing and how to overcome them was published on The SITS Girls website. I think perhaps I need to reread it and take some of my own advice! 

Too busy to write.

I hope you will click this link and see my article, 5 Obstacles That Hold You Back From Writing, and How to Overcome Them. While you are there, be sure to check out all the great resources offered by The SITS Girls website. It is one of my favorite places to learn new things.

The obstacles that I listed in my article can stand in the way of achieving many of our goals in life, not just writing.  Which of the five do you struggle with most?

This post may be linked to one of the great link-up parties I follow and list on my blog. Check them out!


  1. Being pulled in many directions is a problem for me.
    And fear.
    And add laziness to the mix.

    1. It can be hard to stay motivated with writing!

  2. Laziness for me too. And all those books stacked up waiting to be read.

    1. Once I start a good book, there is not much that can keep me from reading it until I finish it. I do know what you mean!

  3. Congratulations on making it through all of the festivities. Can't wait to hear more about it!

    1. Thanks Rena. It was a pretty exhausting week (not over yet!) but very fun!

  4. So emotional. I asked a friend today whose youngest graduates this weekend: are you excited or sad? "Yes," was her answer.

  5. Congratulations! I'm sure you're so proud of your son. And extra congrats for the feature of SITS Girls - heading over now!

  6. Congratulations on your son's graduation. Interesting perspective on goals. I find that when I start something, everything else gets put aside. I am compulsive that way. It is good and bad. Enjoyed finding your blog.


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