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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

A Question About Holiday Greeting Cards and Letters

This time of year, many of us send out a holiday card or letter to friends and family. Even people who do not celebrate Christmas or Hanukkah often send a New Year's greeting.

Opinions vary widely about acceptable format for holiday greetings. 

I enjoy catching up with friends and past acquaintances annually at this time of year, and I love getting newsy letters and lots of photos from friends and family. I know, however, that some people roll their eyes and don't understand why others choose to share so much information.   

Today, I'm curious about the majority opinion, and I'm asking you for your thoughts on this topic.

Questions about holiday greetings and letters

What's your opinion?

What is your favorite type of holiday greeting to receive?

  1. A store-bought card.
  2. A custom photo card.
  3. A newsy printed letter.

 When it comes to content, is it true that "less is more"? Do you prefer:

  1. One simple photo of a family or friend.
  2. A variety of photos taken by the sender throughout the year.
  3. A note or letter without photos.

Do you send out holiday greetings? 

  1. No.
  2. Yes. If so, do you:
  • Just sign and send a card.
  • Put a photo in the card or send a photo card.
  • Send a holiday letter with one photo.
  • Send a holiday letter with multiple photos.

4. Do you send your holiday greetings to:

  1. Close friends and family?
  2. Only people that are far away?
  3. All of your friends and family?

 5. If you do send a card or printed letter, do you:

  1. Have it printed and send it without signing or adding a note.
  2. Sign your name but never add a note.
  3. Add a hand-written personal note for each recipient.

Please leave your answers in the comment section. Let's find out how people really feel about the cards and letters we've sent throughout the years!

And by the way ...

Happy Holidays

This post may be linked to one of the great link-up parties I follow and list on my blog. Check them out!


  1. I love getting any sort of card people want to send. I prefer a picture of the people and think newsletters are great... though with Facebook both seem a little less necessary. I just think it's nice that people take the time to do it.

    1. I see it as a nice gesture as well Carlee - an attempt to keep a friendship alive, especially when friends are far apart.

  2. I love getting all Christmas cards. I always love your newsletter, Susan. I, myself, hand make all of my cards all year long. This year I made almost 60 Christmas cards. It was quite a task but one I love. Hope you have a wonderful holiday season.

    1. Your cards are always beautiful Lynn. I can't believe you made 60 this year, and when I got yours - it immediately was placed on display. It was like receiving a Christmas ornament! Thank you - and I hope your holiday is wonderful as well! It certainly will be WHITE here in Montana this year!

  3. I love getting cards - most especially with picture or pictures and I love the newsletters!

    1. I agree Diane! Sadly, I was just thinking that it seems like we are receiving less holiday greetings in the mail this year than ever. I suspect people don't feel as much need to share their news because of social media - but I love that feeling of connection.

  4. I love getting photo cards, but NOT newsletter types. I think that's kind of overboard and quite pretentious, for lack of a better word. #2. I don't mind the amount of photos as long as they're all in one photo card. #3.Yes #4. I send them to close family and friends, those who really mean a lot to me/relationships I treasure or intend to keep; #5 On photo cards, everything is pre-printed. On regular cards, I always handwrite my message.

    Hope you're having a great holiday season, Susan! xoxo

    1. Thank you for answering the survey Joy! One of the reasons I ask, is because I always struggle with finding a balance of sharing information versus coming across as "bragging" about my life and family. I almost never feel that way about a newsletter I receive (well, maybe once~!) - but instead I am usually grateful that people I have known and cared about are willing to give me a glimpse into their happenings throughout the year. What I like least, is to receive a store-bought card from a far-away friend with just a signature and nothing else.

  5. It depends who the newsletter comes from. Too often they seem like a bit of a brag fest. And in the case of family, (one of my sisters in law sends them) we know the news anyway.
    I love cards, and hand made cards are very special indeed.

    1. Perhaps, when sending a newsletter, that is the key - knowing who to send it out to! Actually, sometimes I even enjoy getting news in written form from family -- it reminds me of events in their lives that I should possibly be aware of but may have forgotten!

  6. Christmas cards with pictures are my favorite - I love seeing how everyone is doing. A short letter is nice too - but sometimes people go overboard and share every detail of the year, which is a bit much.

    1. I have a big box of cards with photos and letters from friends, that I have saved over the years. At Christmas, it can be fun to pull them out and reminisce.

  7. I like store bought cards, I also like handmade ones and if people want to include a photo that's great. Most often I just sign my name on cards I send, to family and friends, I'd like to write a little something as well, but often can't think of anything appropriate.

    1. I agree that sometimes thinking of a short message to write on a card can be really hard.

  8. I have always been a big fan of cards and newsy letters, but the last couple of years seems to be a drying up of that style of correspondence. I think it's because we see so much of everyone's lives on facebook so the news isn't really news and the token card seems a bit pointless. I think it's a tradition that will slowly pass away within a few more years - a little sad but that's technology for you!

    1. I commented above that I feel like we are getting less cards this year than usual. I hope it is not a dying tradition - I think it would be a big loss. Happy holiday to you, Leanne!

  9. I guess I have to say recent years C A A A. I help momma send hers out, but I used to send my own out and I just quit doing it for some reason or another. I need to start again. I love getting them.

  10. Rena, I am slow responding to this comment, but I think you send out a greeting card with every post you write! You do a wonderful job connecting and keeping in touch with people all through the year :)


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