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Friday, October 2, 2015

Week 16: My List of Fabulous Finds (Moon, Mars, and More!)

This is my post about the fabulous finds I have made this weekThere's a large variety of topics in this week's "List of Fabulous Finds" - with links to articles and videos about the moon and mars, college applications and homesickness, uncommon uses for household items, a recipe I just can't wait to try, and some "things that swim."

Don't miss checking out any of these links!

Sometimes watching videos posted on the Internet can be a waste of time, but I found the ones linked here to be very entertaining and informative. Of course, I also had to include a few photos of my own - one of which I was very surprised by how well it turned out!


This Week's Fabulous Finds:

~ ~ A Discovery about the Red Planet

There's been lots of interesting news about stuff beyond our atmosphere this week! NASA may consider this evidence of flowing water on Mars to be "game-changing," but I won't be standing in line for a trip to the red planet any time soon!

~ ~ Lunar Eclipse

Sunday, September 27th was a "BIG" night for the moon! Skies were clear and it was a beautiful evening in Montana.

A few friends were visiting, and we had a great view of the "Super Moon" lunar eclipse from our deck...

The super moon during the eclipse really did look red!

I'm actually pretty pleased with this photo that I took ...

I'm very happy with the photo I took of the super moon during the September 27th eclipse

This video from NASA explains how and why this incredible night show occurred ...


~ ~ College Applications and SAT Scores

My son is in the midst of applying to colleges this year, so when I found this helpful information, I passed the link on to him. This article provides more answers than questions I have ever had about the how, when, which and what-if of sending SAT scores to colleges!

You might know someone who could benefit from it as well.


~ ~ Homesickness and some good advice

It is about that time of year when homesickness sets in for college kids. Personally - I no longer suffer from homesickness, now I just have bouts of "MissingMyKidSickness!

My favorite author offers some good insight and great tips for battling homesickness. While this article is written for swimmers, these five tips are good for anyone who might be feeling homesick.


~ ~ Pumpkin Carving

October is the month when we carve pumpkins! I love this video tutorial of an easy idea for creating great designs from Better Homes and Gardens.

By-the-way, I assume they cleaned the pumpkin out through the bottom, as I can't see a cut anywhere at the top around the stem. That's another good idea to try!


~ ~ Classroom safety

Here's another idea for using a household item for something other than its intended purpose! I have to admit, I like this thought a whole lot better than the one about arming classroom teachers with guns:


~ ~ This recipe looks really yummy ...

I sort of wish I hadn't come across this recipe - it looks SO tempting ... !


~ ~ Air Swimmers

When I saw this floating shark at a concert, I had to find out more about it.

I really liked the Air Swimmer Shark I saw floating at a concert.

These remote controlled wonders are called Air Swimmers! Here is a video commercial of some of the fun you can have with them:
I actually would have expected these air swimmer creatures to be a lot more expensive than they are.


~ ~ Life is best when we all can co-exist!

While those floating fish are pretty cool, I think real whales are even more fabulous!

I can't imagine how marvelous (and probably scary) 
this paddle boarder's experience must have been! The scenery and music in this video are spectacular.
I hope you will take a moment to relax, imagine, and enjoy this beautiful video. I'm glad I did. It's a good way to make the most of a moment!

"Imagine all the people, living life for peace ... the world will live as one." 
(wise words from Imagine, by John Lennon)


What was the most interesting thing you came across this week?

This post may be linked to one of the great link-up parties I follow and list on my blog. Check them out!

In the spirit of full disclosure, this post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase after clicking on one of them, the price you pay will not be affected but I may receive some small compensation. All opinions expressed, however, are entirely honest and my own.


  1. The most interesting thing I came across this week was my son vacuuming his room and throwing out large garbage bags of accumulated trash. I'd popped in to eave a surprise in their fridge, didn't know he was home on holiday.

    1. How nice of you to want to leave something in their fridge - and better yet, to catch your son in the act of cleaning!

  2. Love the family least I think it is a family photo...

    1. Thanks Susan - not family, but good friends :)

  3. Love your photo of the moon - it was way too cloudy here for us to get even a hint of the moon. And I never have taken a moon photo nearly as good as yours.
    That paddleboarder had an amazing experience didn't he? I do love whales. And hope that the 'scientific' whale hunts in Antarctica stay banned.

    1. So sorry you weren't able to see the eclipse - we were fortunate with how clear it was here. I hope the banning of whale hunts continues as well!

  4. love your favourites each week - they're always interesting :)

    1. I'm glad you think so Leanne - it is amazing how much cool stuff is right at our fingertips!

  5. Some really great finds this week Susan! I"m just glad to finally be back online haha!

  6. Wow, your eclipse pictures turned out beautifully! I couldn't get any good ones. Are you going to keep your son away from pumpkin carving this year? Haha


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