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Wednesday, September 2, 2015

It's my turn to host Words for Wednesday!

It's my turn this month to host the weekly Words for Wednesday Writing Challenge!

Delores of Under the Porch Light used to offer a weekly writing prompt called Words for Wednesday, and encouraged others to use it to write something creative.  

I first came across this challenge in June, 2014. Quite a few of my creative writing published here has incorporated word prompts from this challenge. It has always been a lot of fun to participate.

Unfortunately, Delores began to have computer issues, and could no longer provide the weekly prompts. Elephant’s Child took over for a while, and then she organized volunteers to share the responsibility. Drifting through Life hosted in July, Randomosity in August, and it is now my turn for the month of September!

How to Participate:

The writing prompt is usually in the form of six (or twelve) words, or a phrase, but may also be a photo, an idea, or anything that might inspire a piece of flash fiction. 
There are no deadlines or rules or prizes. Everyone is invited to participate, as often or as little as you choose. Feel free to write a single sentence or an entire story from the prompt.  
Publish your work in the comments below, or on your own blog with a link to the blog post that supplied the prompt. If you publish your work on your own blog be sure to also leave a comment here. That way everyone can find, read, and comment on your post.
Note: As with any comments on this blog, anything considered inappropriate, derogatory, offensive or spam will not be published. 
I'd like to express my gratitude to Delores for initiating this fun meme - and to everyone willing to participate and ensure that this fun challenge continues.  

Here are the words for this week:

reason, fringed, diary, love, picture, assimilate

school, template, view, family, facilities, disclosure

My own use of this week's words will be another segment of my short story about Mindy. It will be published on this blog next Tuesday.

I hope that you will decide to give this fun challenge a try. I can't wait to see what you write!

Have you ever written any flash fiction from a prompt?

This post may be linked to one of the great link-up parties I follow and list on my blog. Check them out!


  1. Over the years, my writing has changed so much. My goal once was to finish the two books in the box in the office. Now my writing is pared down to short stories and flash fiction. I love finding and using perfect words, deleting the overused, ending up with a story with punch.
    Looking forward to using the words you have given. thanks.

    1. I can't wait to read what you write Susan!

    2. Susan, I finally had an opportunity to visit your blog and read what you wrote with this prompt. I loved it!

  2. I have a v. busy day ahead. I will try and pop back later today.

    1. Whenever it suits you EC - and if you have to miss this week, I would totally understand :)

  3. Great selection of words, this is going to be a challenge.
    I've written quite a bit from prompts, but it hasn't always been flash fiction.
    My words get carried away and become chapters.

    1. My words frequently get carried away as well River! But, there is nothing wrong with chapters :)

    2. River - Your use of these words was both a captivating read, and a reminder to all of us of the importance for good preventative screening. I am glad your story had a happy ending.


    A picture flashed back into her head, fringed with echoes and confusion. She remembered the car accident, but could not assimilate the flashes of a fringed picture, seagulls soaring high in the wind. Blank faces with no reason, just driving past her car, her baby love, yet a diary of scattered events to come. So far, it was nine years. Nine years spent in bed. "At least I'm still alive," she said to no one. In her rage, she was no longer the victim, but the warrior.

    1. Well done! I can almost hear the seagulls calling! This made me sad, but hopeful.

    2. Why, thank you both. Yes, I was in a car accident and no one stopped to help. My baby was only 3; now it's been 9 bed-ridden years for me. Baby is fine ;-). I've written 5 published books, many short stories, and this is my first here. I have survived when they all thought I would die. HA-HA. I'm a Stanford-trained doctor, a USC Med School grad, and I know how to fight for my life. THAT makes me a warrior, a solid warrior indeed. Two traumatic brain injuries, vertebral artery dissection with aneurysm, dysautonomia, oculo-vestibular dysfunction, and that's enough, yes. WIP is No More Tears: Stepping from the Edge. Chapter One takes you to the door of Heaven with me, as I had a Near-Death Experience. Filled with helpful hints on how to streamline your health care as a patient, I write everything that I know, lots of it for women's health. Can't take the Stanford out of me. I'm also a minister twice a week online, for the disabled who can't make it to church.:-). So, God has been good to me. I should have walked through those doors. But I couldn't. I wanted to be here for my daughter. I thank God for each day, when I open my eyes!

  5. I really need to participate one of these weeks. Can't wait to read your next installment!

  6. When I was at school we all had them, a template for belonging. Fringed pseudo leather diaries, with ineffective locks. In them we wrote of our longing for love, and our dreams for the future. The things which we didn't have the confidence to share with our family.
    With no facilities for privacy we religiously locked them after each entry, and carried the keys with us, despite knowing that anyone determined to view our secrets would have no trouble at all.
    I smile when I picture our earnest innocence. Disclosure of our teenage yearnings would have surprised no-one, and all too soon we were assimilated into the adult world and left them behind, almost forgotten and unmourned...

    1. Wow. I suddenly remembered being back in my pre-teen bedroom, holding my vinyl bound (infringed) little diary - jiggling the lock and realizing that a key wasn't really needed to pry it open! What a poignant piece EC. Very creative use of the words!

    2. Very nicely done, I love the reminiscence that we all have to become one with the story. We wanted to grow up so fast, didn't we? And now we want to go back to being young. Makes me smile.

  7. My story will be up at my site tomorrow.

    1. I can't wait to read it - and I having read some of your work, I highly recommend that everyone else does too!!

  8. Looking forward to another installment! Glad your back!

  9. Great selection.....

    1. From the master of word selection ... I take that as a huge compliment! Thanks Delores ... I am curious to see what it feels like to write using the words I have selected.

  10. Have to, have to, have to join you. Is this every week on Wednesdays? I want to put it on my calendar to remind my 57 year-old brain to participate next time. Love it!

    1. Hi Leslie. I'm so glad that you are interested in participating! The Words for Wednesday prompts are published weekly - usually on Wednesday, although sometimes as early as Tuesday. Feel free to publish your response any day of the week though - either on your own blog or in the comments here.
      I am providing the prompts for each week of September on this blog.
      In October, you can look for the words to be published on the blog Elephant's
      Child. (


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