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Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Oh Canada! Snowshoes and the Canadian Flag

What a relief! 

According to this list, 10 decor items that say you're Canadian, my Canadian citizenship has been verified!! We don't quite have all 10 of these decor items (after all, my husband is 100 % American) but we do own quite a few! 

We are owners of the following items on the list: 

#2 (some rustic wooden furniture) and #10 (a balsam scented candle)

rustic, candles, rustic furniture

#3. Not one, but two sets of snowshoes in our guest room...

snowshoes, decor, guest room

... and a driftwood decoration (also #3 on the list). Actually, it might be dried seaweed of some kind, but I did find it on a beach in British Columbia! 

driftwood, decor, seaweed

A elk-and-checkered (plaid?) print blanket. Not quite the red-checked flannel bedspread of #5, but close enough to count? Oh, and we do have flannel sheets!

blanket, plaid, elk

An Adirondack-style of chair, #6 and a camping lantern, #9. (Also, a very cute dog - who let me know she wanted to go inside, because she was really hot!)

patio furniture, adirondack chair, camping lantern

#7 A bird book. When I purchased this book it brought back memories of the large, hard-cover book bird book my Canadian grandpa used to own!

birds, bird book


It appears we (sort of) own seven-out-of-ten of the decor items on the list ... four absolutely, and the other three might be just a little iffy! I think that seems about right, for a half-Canadian citizen who has lived more than half of her life in the US!

Many of these items are also owned by people of other nationalities and can be found easily in homes throughout Montana.  However, we do have one other possession undisputably Canadian, of which I am very fond. That item is our Canadian flag!  

Weather-permitting, it will by flying proudly from our deck today!

Canadian Flag, Big sky, window reflection, clouds
Our flags usually fly at the front of our house, but it was so windy, that for this photo I had to prop it up in the back!

Happy Canada Day!

What items in your home do you think reflect your nationality?

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  1. Ha, love the bird book one...that's my kids favourite thing when they go to their grandparents' place

    1. I always loved looking through my Grandpa’s! Happy Canada Day!

  2. Happy Canada Day! I haven't had the opportunity to travel to Canada yet, but hope one day soon to go through on our way to Alaska! I'll have to get your advice on what to see!

    1. I haven’t driven all of the way up to Alaska Rena, but I have driven pretty far north in British Columbia, and it is beautiful!

  3. Yay, Canada! Yeah, I pretty much flunked the 10 décor items. Please don't cancel my citizenship! :)

    1. I wouldn’t think of it! You are much to good a friend to have, Diane -- on either side of the border!

  4. Happy Canada Day! I think the only thing I have is the lantern. Does a giant moose head count for anything?

    1. A giant moose head might score you some points, I should think!

  5. Happy Canada Day.
    We have several bird books.
    What do we have that shows we are Australian? A small jar of vegemite hidden in the cupboard. I loathe it. My partner eats it sometime.
    I think we claim to be citizens of the world - who happen to live in Oz.

    1. Citizens of the world ... I really like that !

  6. Got the flannel sheets (although we never use them) and a mini Canadian flag (somewhere) and a bird book...yes...a well thumbed, dirty, rattty bird book and a couple of pieces of rustic (read old beat up and second hand) furniture. Happy Canada Day.

    1. Proof - You are a good Canadian, Delores! I hope your Canada day was wonderful, and this weekend is going well for you as well!

  7. now you've got me wondering about the 10 items you'd find in australian homes - I'll have to have a think about that! Certainly no snow shoes around here!

    1. I would love to know what items you consider to be Australian ... I still have a stuffed koala bear an Aussie friend of my dad who worked for Quntas Airlines gave me, when I was small!


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