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Saturday, May 30, 2015

Recipes, and a Behind the Blog-Scene Blooper

I tried quite a few new recipes for the first time this past week! Some of them I published already, but my Saturday Spotlight is going to shine today on a few more. I found some really special ones on other blogs, and they turned out even better than I hoped.

I Made Watermelon Salsa - again!

We had some people over for appetizers on Wednesday.  My family liked my Watermelon Salsa so much on Monday, that I made it again for our party.

A Baked Goat Cheese Appetizer

tomato, herbs, puff pastry, recipe

A few weeks ago I came across a recipe from Joyful Healthy Eats for Creamy Baked Goat Cheese Dip. Although it had been published as a holiday appetizer, it worked well for a warmer weather party as well! 

I make just a couple of alterations to the original recipe:
  • Instead of 2 tablespoons each of red and yellow peppers, I used 4 tablespoons of just yellow pepper. This was the only color pepper I had, and the end result looked little less Chistmas-y! 
  • I added about 2 tsp. of honey to the tomatoes with the balsamic vinegar, as I decided we would prefer this to be a little sweeter.
  • I omitted the chives. (I just didn't feel like it needed them.)
Please go to Joyful Healthy Eats for the recipe, as it is not really mine to publish! I hope you enjoy it. We served it with pita chips and bagel bits, and it disappeared quickly.

Rainy weather and Ripe Bananas

It wasn't really Popsicle weather, but I had bananas that needed to be used. I had been wanting to try
this recipe for Peanut Butter and Banana Yogurt Pops from Home Cooking Memories. It looked like it would be faster to prepare than banana bread, and very yummy.


I buy non-fat plain Greek yogurt, and it worked perfectly for this recipe.  If you are using a blender instead of a food processor, you may need to add a little liquid to help it blend.  

To half of my batch, instead of honey as was suggested, I added two tablespoons of chocolate syrup. Because who can resist chocolate and peanut butter together, right? That made it easier to blend, and the chocolate added a different flavor. The ones with just the peanut butter flavoring alone are really good too, and worth the extra little bit of effort needed to get the ingredients to combine.

A Messy Blooper!

This recipe is yummy. And it would have been so fast and easy. Except for my behind the blogging scenes blooper.  While pressing down on the tops of the Popsicle stick lids to the second mold, I didn't realize how unsteady the base was. It slipped sideways, careened across the counter and splashed down all over the floor, the cabinets and my feet!! Ugh!

cooking spill, messy
Only a blogger would have grabbed her camera at a time like this!

Factoring in laundry and mopping the floor - making this recipe was not a speedy process!

The Popsicles are really good - too bad there are not more of them! 

Banana, peanut butter, chocolate, yogurt, frozen dessert

Saturday Spotlight Series #21

Be sure to look back and see the other recipes I linked to this week- you will find some delicious ways to prepare chicken, potatoes, pasta and homemade ice-cream!

What was your favorite recipe that you used this week?

Did you make any messes like me?

This post may be linked to one of the great link-up parties I follow and list on my blog. Check them out!


  1. This week? No major messes thank goodness. The absolute worst in that line was when I picked up a contanine of olive oil and the bottom fell out of it. More than two litres of oil all over the bench top, down the benches and onto the floor. Which I had to wash many, many times before the oil stopped seeping out from under the cupboard.

    1. Olive oil .... OH NOOOO! Expensive and hard to clean up! I have no right to complain in comparison!

  2. No big recipes or big disasters this week. I made the old standby chicken and dumplings yesterday which turned out delicious but knowing me I burnt my finger AGAIN with the oven! Every time I turn it on I burn a finger I'll be lucky to have any left. Most of my kitchen shenanigans end up in disaster I'm getting used to burnt or raw foods haha!

    1. Rena - maybe you need to leave the cooking to your husband, I think! Chicken and dumplings sound delicious - but not worth you getting hurt!! :) Or use oven mitts!

  3. Those popsicles look very yummy (even if one did spill). Thanks for linking up with Idea Box.

    1. They were yummy! I will be making them often - and thank you, Danielle for hosting the Idea Box linkup!


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