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Saturday, May 23, 2015

Memorial Day - So Much To Remember

My Saturday Spotlight Series post today is all about remembering.

Memorial Day weekend is here - already. It seems as though time has gone by awfully quickly. You'd think that once I write something, I would remember it. A look back in the archives of this blog however, just triggered a few memories! 

cherry tree, blossoms, spring
This photo was taken on May 4 of this year and these petals fell off several weeks ago
- last year they weren't falling until May 24th.

Montana had an unusually early, warm spring.

Last year on May 24th I wrote about experiencing some "cherry blossom snow." It happened a few weeks earlier this year. 

I waited to take my snow tires off my car until this week (because you just never know if you
might need them!) but we haven't had any significant snow on the ground for quite a while.

snow tires, spring

Memorial Day marks the beginning of summer - but so much more.

I was excited to share my "perfect for Memorial Day" muffin recipe with you yesterday. 
But, Memorial Day weekend is a time for more than just picnics, outdoor activities and patriotic-themed food. 

muffins, recipe, Memorial day
I published the recipe for these Red raspberry, White Chocolate and Blueberry Muffins yesterday.

I gained a new perspective this spring after visiting a battlefield

My thoughts about Memorial Day have been influenced by a tourist site we recently visited. The Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument, which I wrote about in April made quite an impression on me. 

The size of the cemetery there is staggering - and it is only one of many final resting places for US soldiers. When I realize the number of tombstones I saw there is exponentially smaller than the total number of soldiers who have fought for my freedom, I am humbled. 

Humbled, and grateful and hopeful. 

 Hopeful that someday humanity will figure out how to get along without fighting.

battlefield, graveyard

Honoring all those who have sacrificed time from their lives for our country

Last year on Memorial Day I shared with you an article by Lynn Cobb, reminding us that in addition to remembering those who have died for our freedom, we should honor everyone who has sacrificed (or is currently sacrificing) time from their lives for our country. It is a great article, and I'm glad I took the time to read it again.

It's hard to keep track of all we should remember

The blogosphere is a big place. Despite best intentions, sometimes when we find a blog or a writer that we really enjoy, we can lose track of them. This was the case for me with Lynn Cobb. When I went to her blog to re-read her Memorial Day article, I really enjoyed her recent post, The Next Chapter. Like me, she is trying to come to terms with her children growing up. I really enjoy her writing style. To be sure I don't miss any more of her posts I have added my email to her subscription list!

Now that everything new that she publishes will be emailed to me, remembering to visit Lynn's blog no longer needs to be on my “list of things to remember.”

Memorial Day, American Flag

Saturday Spotlight Series #20

Remembering to honor the people who have made sacrifices to give me my freedom, however, is still on that list!

As it should be, every day.

Have a wonderful weekend.

How are you spending this weekend?

This post may be linked to one of the great link-up parties I follow and list on my blog. Check them out!



  1. I did the exact same thing Susan - I linked to Lynn's post from last year, and when I went to make sure the link was still correct, I spent a bunch of time reading some of her other posts. I hope you're having a wonderful three day weekend!

    1. My draft was written when I saw your post, Lana. I worried that you would mind that my Memorial Day efforts were so similar to yours - then realized it was quite a compliment as it was your post I was retiring that originally directed me to Lynne's. Her writing style is wonderful, isn't it?!
      I hope you are having a good weekend. I am spending this evening getting caught up with some things!

  2. Memory is such an elusive critter isn't it? I am very guilty of not taking the time/making the time to remember some important issues.

    1. Our minds are so full - it is hard to remember everything! That is why I make lists - and lists and lists!

  3. Hey! Great idea! I'm going to sign up for your emails! Genius!

  4. I hope you had a wonderful long weekend, Susan. Thank you for introducing me to Lynn. I have signed up to follow her. And of course, you fall into my inbox every time you post. May you not need your snow tires for many, many months. I'm wishing them a restful vacation.

    1. Oh, thank you Kelly! I definitely concur with your wish for my snow tires! I have realized that I am not always good about subscribing to my favorite blogs - it was not a habit I acquired early, instead following in other ways. I have realized lately though that it is the best option - and I am slowing adding all that should be there!

  5. Hope you had a great weekend Susan! I enjoyed getting some work finished around the house (watching hubby get some work finished around the house haha) and a beautiful day of canoeing on the lake and a night with both of the grandbabies! It was a full weekend for sure!

    1. It does sound like it was a busy weekend. So glad that you got some time to relax in the canoe!


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