Saturday, March 21, 2015

Saturday Spotlight #11: A Mysterious Visit by Bees

Bugs ... and Bees, Oh My!

I'm sorry. My apologies to anyone who doesn't like to think about bugs!

I promise bugs won't become a major topic on this blog, but I am writing about them for the second time this week.

Yesterday was a lot busier than I had anticipated.

The Saturday Spotlight post I had planned for today just did not get written.

Instead - I am going to “shine my Saturday Spotlight” on a mysterious encounter I had yesterday.

The mystery
Why did about 50 bees suddenly swarm my kitchen window yesterday afternoon, for the better part of an hour?

bees, swarming

These bees were persistent and their buzzing was alarmingly loud! I was extremely glad they were on the other side of the window screen. I wish I had thought to take a photo before they began to disappear - or better yet record a video, so you could have heard them buzzing. Unfortunately, all I have is this photo, taken after many of them had disappeared.  

I have a hypothesis - but would love to know what you  think

I'm not positive - but I think I know the reason all these bees paid me a visit. My hypothesis will be revealed in a post on this blog next week!  If you have any guesses in the meantime, or stories of similar visits by bees - leave them in the comments here.

It seems to have been my week for bugs! First I discovered on Monday that I had picked up three hitchhikers ... and now I get an unusual visit from a swarm of bees.  I love most creatures great and small - but I mostly prefer the furry kind!

Bull Elk,
This Bull Elk has been hanging out behind our house several morning this past week.
Hoping you have a wonderful weekend - bug free!

This post may be linked to one of the great link-up parties I follow and list on my blog. Check them out!


  1. I'd like to say it's because you're so sweet, but that has probably already been suggested . . .
    Their queen must have been on the move. Maybe a new queen looking for a new hive. That would explain the swarm all in the same place at the same time. We had a beekeeper friend, and a large swarm of bees had landed in one of the trees at Husby's work. He called his friend and the man came and (I still shudder to think) put his hand in the center of that swarm, found the queen and grabbed her. The rest of the bees stayed on his arm and he set the queen into a container and then 'scraped' the rest of the swarm off his arm. He was pretty happy. There were about five pounds of bees there. I like honey. But that is as close as I care to come!

    1. Doubt it had anything to do with my personality, Diane!
      Thanks for this information about Queen Bees. How on earth do you "find the queen and grab her" in a swarm of bees?! Glad it worked out for your husband's friend - I won't be trying that anytime soon!
      Your theory is very possibly correct! I will supply some additional information in a post this week - and I'd love to know if you think it might be a factor....

  2. I would agree with Diane. About to swarm? Are there any bee-hives nearby?
    Love your bull elk too.

    1. No nearby hives that I know of - but it of course possible that I am just not aware of them. I love the elk as well. When we first moved here 12 years ago there used to be a herd of about 10 of them who would visit regularly - but sadly, their numbers seem to have dwindled.

  3. My husband was really impressed by the elk in your yard! I have no idea about the bees - but I hope they aren't building a nest on your house!

    1. We get a lot of wasp nests - but these were definitely not wasps. That was what I thought they were doing at first - but they were really only here less than an hour! The elk's coat is pretty scruffy - but quite the rack! We would love it if he would drop those antlers where we can find them!

  4. No idea! I get them when my lavender bushes are blooming... but it is kind of early in the season...

    1. I had to cut down my Russian Sage at the front of the house a number of years ago, because we kept getting stung as we came in and out of the house! Nothing blooming yet here though Ish. There is one piece of the puzzle I have not yet supplied - let me know if you think it is pertinent when I write about it later this week!

  5. Maybe they are swarming looking for their Queen?

    1. I think that is a good guess, Rena. Let me know if you still think so after you read the rest of the story on my blog this week.

  6. Wow, how amazing to watch, and YES to the fact that they were on the other side of that screen!!! I would have been a little nervous, yet taken the time as you did to appreciate them. OMG as for the ELK how flipping cool is that. That would have taken my breath away for sure. How lucky you are. All we have in our yard is a red fox once in a while a coyote, which thinks our wiener is a snack!!!


  7. Red fox and coyote are pretty cool to see - but good idea to keep an eye on your dog!


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