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Saturday, March 7, 2015

Saturday Spotlight #9 - Making Up for Last Week

Last week, with all the preoccupations of attending a five-day swim meet, I neglected to publish a “Saturday Spotlight” post.  It was a disappointing week to miss publishing this series, because there have been a lot of wonderful things happening “in the blogosphere.” 

Just in case you missed these, today I'm going to “shine my spotlight” on a few of the very special posts I've come across the past few weeks.

#1000 Voices Speak for Compassion.
On February 20th, 2015, 1000-plus bloggers and videographers came together to raise their voices for compassion; each sharing a post about caring and compassion on that day.  I was honored to be a part of this campaign with my post, Eight Questions About Compassion #1000Speak. 
For more inspiring posts, just search the hashtag #1000Speak.

#Across Women's Lives.
PRI's Across Women's Lives campaign is highlighting women's and girl's issues, and global issues of gender equality all year long.  Bloggers are joining in the conversation by writing and sharing posts using the hashtag #womenslives. 
The post, Who Is Farzana Parveen? (by my friend Rena from thediaryofanalzheimerscaregiver.comis a sad and chilling account of the death of a young woman. It illustrates the inability to make choices for themselves, that some women still experience. Like Rena, I continued to think about this story long after I finished reading it. 

In addition to the two important campaigns mentioned above, I read many other posts this week that I found very moving. 

Here are just a few of them. (Just click on the numbered post titles, to view each post):

1. Love Has No Labels.  

I was so happy to see that my friend Lana, from wrote about the website this week.  I had intended to write about it as well, but her post is so well worded, I am happy to just share it.  Be sure to watch the video, which is linked within her post! 

2. Am I Really Doing This? 
This post, published on Catharsis, resonated with me on so many levels.  It represents the risks we all take as we explore new ventures, the many rewards of blogging, and the different forms of communication and levels of comfort that we can experience as we relate to other people.

3. Sunday Selections #213 
Elephant's Child, one of my favorite blogs written "Down Under," provides a weekly collection of photos labeled “Sunday Selections.” The pictures in this post last week showed a real flotilla of paper boats. These triggered my memory of pictures in the book Curious George Rides a Bike which I loved when I was small. 
I clearly remember trying to follow the directions for making paper boats from the pages of a newspaper - and the pictures of the little monkey floating a whole fleet of newspaper boats on a lake or river.
As much as I love the drawings in this book by H.A. Rey, the real-life photos of 
paper boats on the blog Elephant's Child are even more impressive!

I think you will enjoy following all the links to these interesting posts.
What has been your best discovery on-line this week? 

This post may be linked to one of the great link-up parties I follow and list on my blog. Check them out!


  1. What a great round-up of reads! Thanks so much for sharing!

    Wishing you a lovely weekend.

    1. I'm glad you liked the round-up Jennifer. I loved each one of these posts!

  2. I so love it when my friends recommend blogs for me. It's nice to know where to go! :)

    1. I have certainly found quite a few blogs I like from you Diane. Glad to return the favor!

  3. Thank you so much.
    I love the other posts you have featured. There just isn't enough love in the world for us to start making any of it out of bounds. (Assuming that both parties are consenting adults).

    1. I agree. And our world is better when we have art. Thanks for sharing the photos of the paper boats!

  4. I absolutely loved Curious George when I was little. And I just know that the man in the yellow hat would be very impressed with your blogging shares this week. Off to check them out.

    1. Knowing I had impressed the man in the yellow hat would really make my day!

  5. Love your finds, I'll be checking some of them out. My favorite posts, of course, were the Secret Subject Swap ones. I love seeing bloggers really challenge each other.

    1. I always enjoy reading the Secret Subject Swap posts as well. Yours was great this week Karen!

  6. Oh my goodness, Susan! I'm SO honored to have been spotlighted on your site with my post on attending the conference. Thank you so much! Well, now that the weekend is almost over, I can say that I absolutely enjoyed myself and am happy that I took that risk! I met a lot of wonderful women and I'm pretty proud of myself for not freezing, throwing up or crying, haha! Again, thank you so much and I'm truly glad it resonated with you. xoxo

    1. So glad you enjoyed the conference Joy. I have read a little bit about it - and it sounds like it was a great event! Loved your post!

  7. Finally getting the time to read this post. Thank you so much for spotlighting me this week! I truly appreciate the support and friendship we share. Hope you had a great weekend! My boys loved Curious George so much - I'm pretty sure at one point I had all the books memorized!

    1. You said everything in your post that I had hoped to write, when I thought about sharing the video. Thank you for saving me some work ;) ... and for your friendship of course as well Lana!

  8. This week I discovered "The Mid" a cool website for those of us "in the middle" part of life. I also discovered an awesome website designer who is going to re-work my tired author's site. Good things are coming - s is Spring!

    1. I have not heard of "The Mid" - but I am definitely going to check it out. Looking forward to seeing the changes to your site - which I think is very nice already Kim!

  9. Thanks so much Susan for shining your spotlight on me this week. I have continued to think about Farzana since last year when I first published the story. It was such a difficult story to read and to write. I think having my own daughter pregnant at the very same time just brought it home to me what a crime this really was. I'm glad I'm not the only one who remembers her! I'm thinking of making her an annual post, she deserves at least that much!

    1. Your post was very moving Rena, and the plight of Farzana deserves the attention you gave to it. A very moving #womenslives post.


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