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Saturday, January 3, 2015

Saturday Spotlight Series (1-3-15)

Yesterday I said that I will be making a few changes to this blog. I will be publishing a little less frequently; every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday is the plan, at least for now. I'm looking forward to applying the time I save (by writing two less posts each week) to other aspects of planning, writing, and publishing this blog.

Today, for the first time, I am introducing a new “Saturday Spotlight Series.

As a blogger, I spend a lot of time on the Internet, and I come across a lot of interesting and valuable information. I think it would be fun to use each weekend to "shine the spotlight" on something I have discovered and found interesting that week. The posts of this series might feature:
  • an interesting website or blog that I enjoy
  • a photo or a quote
  • a recipe from another blogger
  • information regarding a current event
  • a book or movie 
  • a helpful resource 
When I find something good, I really do like to share it. I think publishing this series would be a perfect opportunity to pass along a fun or useful bit of information to you each week. My only rule will be that it will not be something I have previously mentioned on this blog, and that I will give full credit and links to what or whomever I am featuring.

Let's get started!

This week my spotlight shines upon ...
... a post I read this week called Out in the Blizzard. I just can't stop thinking about. This brief story of a child lost in a prairie blizzard, was preserved by family memories and retold by Diane Tolley on her blog,  On the Border

Perhaps my thoughts keep returning to this story because of the snowy, frigid landscape I am currently surrounded by, or my motherly instincts, or my interest from a medical perspective. Maybe it is because I have always been fascinated by stories of pioneer life. Or, most likely, it was the riveting way in which  the story was told.  

In any case, I keep thinking about details of Diane's story, and what that experience must have been like for everyone involved. I am always amazed by this sort of talented writing,when the author  makes you feel connected to an event you did not ever experience.

This is a photo of the sky above my rooftop, taken while I am writing this post (and thinking about snow!)
I visit the blog On the Border almost every day. On it, Diane Tolley and some of her family members have shared many incredibly entertaining “stories from the 50s and 60s to today ... from the Stringam Family Ranches of Southern Alberta.”  

I am not sure if it is the excellent writing or my growing admiration of the blogger herself (Diane) that makes this a blog I try to read every day.  Maybe I identify with it because I grew up just outside of Calgary, Alberta, not far from where most of the stories take place. I always wished I lived on a ranch with horses, instead of our small acreage.  Perhaps my interest has grown because Diane and I actually do now live "across the Alberta/Montana border."  I suspect it is a combination of all these reasons that draws me to this blog.

I also suspect that once you have visited the blog On the Border, you will be hooked and be eager to read more. Just like me.

Have you ever experienced a blizzard? Do you have any winter storm stories to tell?
Happy Weekend!  

This post may be linked to one of the great link-up parties I follow and list on my blog. Check them out!


  1. What a great idea, Susan! I look forward to reading this every week!

  2. I really like this idea. I'm always coming across things that I'd like to share, and this is the perfect way to do so! Great choice with Diane's blog - I enjoy reading it every day too. I agree - that story about the lost child in the blizzard has stuck with me too!

    1. I have been trying to figure out how to do a series like this for a while, then when I was almost asleep the other night the idea of a “spotlight series” came to me. I actually got up and wrote it down, so I wouldn't forget the idea by morning!

  3. Susan, I am astounded. And humbled. And in tears! Thank you!

    1. And very, very deserving! I love everything you write Diane!

  4. Best of luck with your endeavors and congratulations in taking such a big step to streamline and make the most of your time! We are all too often afraid to make such a change for fear others won't accept it...thanks for your courage and this model!!

    1. Thanks Annah. And thanks for reminding me that it is a step in the right direction. Today, I must admit, I was questioning my decision, as this was the first Monday since March that I have not published a post ... and it felt strange!

  5. What a great idea. Off to visit the featured blogger now. Thank you.

    1. You will like her writing EC. You both have a gift with words! I should have introduced you too a long time ago - but just assumed you had been reading her blog :)

  6. Also a follower of should read her books.

    1. I have been wanting to Delores ... one of my reasons for posting a few less days a week is a little selfish; I need more time to read!!

  7. I also love Diane's stories and that particular one is amazing! I love this idea for Saturday's and can't wait to read more! I never get the opportunity to post on the weekends but I still love reading some and it will be yours for sure!

    1. Thanks Rena. I am sure you are busy with the babies right now, so I am especially flattered by any time you take to read my blog!


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