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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

My Word.

Word of the Year 2015

I have found it fascinating that some people choose a "word of the year." Most bloggers seem to use their chosen word as an inspiration, and to provide a focus for their lives and their blogging.  I have been curious as to how the particular word is decided upon, and the role that it plays.

So many words!

My word chose me

Personally, I have never felt a particular need to identify one word - as a writer, I am instead drawn to many words.  I started to give this idea a little thought this week though, and the concept sort of invaded my sub-conscious.  Without me even going through a process of selection, a word presented itself.  I have mulled it around for a bit, and I do like the choice.

This “word” is not a subject I will write about, or photograph, create, or cook.  I do not intend to act specifically upon it in any one particular way - - but I hope it will apply to everything in my life in 2015. Unfortunately, there will surely be days when the opposite applies, but I hope an overall graph would show an upward trend. 

I don't intend to make a big deal of this particular word. I am not even setting up any measurable goals for it - - well, except for my blog stats (as recommended in my on-line blogging class this week!) and (of course) the numbers on my scale.  

Curious yet?

The word I have chosen for 2015 is
Good word, right?  Perhaps now you understand why, once it entered my mind, I knew it was there to stay.


Isn't improvement what living life is all about? Trying to make each day better than the last.  Learning, loving, fixing, revamping, upgrading, mending, caring, and growing better in every aspect. Doing all of this by making the most of every moment!!

“Improve”  (My word - but you are welcome to use it too!)

Here are just a few areas in which I'm hopeful my improvements will be made:
  • relationships
  • parenting
  • health
  • fitness
  • blogging
  • writing and photography
  • care of the Earth
  • courage
  • knowledge
  • memory
  • time management
  • kindness and empathy
. . . the list could go on-and-on. 

It is possible that this is the only time I will mention having a "word of the year" on this blog.  This is not a blogging project for me. 

Instead, this word will be my prompt for an increased awareness of an ever-changing life goal.  Now that I have identified it and assigned importance to it, the word “improve” will linger in my mind. Like a string around my finger, it will remind me to improve, increment-by-increment, day-by-day. 

If you were to choose one special word for this year, what would it be?

Do you have any suggestions for improvements on this blog? (I'd love to hear them!)

This post may be linked to one of the great link-up parties I follow and list on my blog. Check them out!


I have linked up this post at the 2015 Word of the Year Link-Up.  See posts by other bloggers about words they have chosen - and add one of your own, if you like, right here:


  1. Susan, that really is the perfect word, because it encompasses everything in our lives. So often with goals or resolutions we become discouraged, but by remembering that each day is a new chance for improvement, it keeps us moving forward. Thank you for the link to my courage post!

    1. "Each day is a new chance for improvement" is a great way to look at life, Lana! Glad that you saw my link to your post - I had intended to let you know it was there, but didn't get a chance!

  2. I have so many goals and dreams and plans for this year, not just with my blog, but with life in general. If I had to choose one special word for the year it would be optimistic. I like where I've been (2014 was a growing year) because it's pointing me in the direction I want to go.

    1. Optimistic is a perfect word choice! Very inspiring!

  3. I love your blog - improve is a great word although there's really nothing you need to improve on being mindful of that word - helps grow and find inspiration. - its there and it helps -

    with no declaration and like you I quietly choose FUN!


    1. I'm starting to wish I could choose more than one word - actually, there really isn't any reason why I couldn't! I love your choice of FUN! Thanks for the compliment - here's to another year of visiting each other's blogs!

  4. Great word, Susan! It's something we could all stand to focus on.

    1. Thanks Karen! I suspect from some of your Instagram posts that you are feeling ready for the weather to improve! Beautiful - but cold!

  5. Replies
    1. Great word. My friend has been taking a mindfulness class - and I had no idea how involved that actually could be!

  6. Susan I think this is a great word and certainly a word we can strive to achieve in many areas. For me my word would be fearless.

    1. Fearless. How I wish. I would settle for even a portion of that!

  7. It is a wonderful word. I have seen soar and persevere chosen as well. Myself I am wordless. And will continue to muddle through.

    1. Seems like you muddle quite well ... as I said, I wasn't planning on a word, but it just sort of appeared, and stuck!

    2. I have never heard of this idea, Susan, but I love it, and I enjoyed your well written article! The first word that popped into my head was "contentment." :)

    3. Thanks Sally! Contentment is a great word. I like it!

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks for commenting Mari! I'm glad you liked it!

  9. What a simple yet all encompassing word. Nice choice, still swishing mine around. I forgot last years, so I have to make it a good one this year... It will come to me, at some point!

  10. Improving is part of growth and even if it is a little step, no matter. I mean it does matter as in it counts. May you have a year full of improvement in all areas of your life! :) <3

  11. I like it - "improve" covers so many areas, and is such a positive and inspirational way to approach the year. So glad you shared your word! :)

  12. I didn't choose a word, or make resolutions I set out some goals. Like the fact that I am quitting smoking if it kills me, him or someone innocent haha! I want to do more. So improve is a perfect word. I want to improve on myself this year. On my blog, on my writing. I like that word improve and I just may borrow it for my own sanity if it is okay with you!


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