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Friday, September 26, 2014

Sometimes You Just Have to Dive Right In

A month or two ago I read a quote that I have been thinking quite a bit about.

"If we wait for the moment when everything is ready, we shall never begin."  According to Good Reads, the source of this quote was Ivan Turgenev.  

Ivan Turgenev lived during the 1800s, and he was a Russian novelist and poet. He wrote a number of short stories and novels, including his perhaps most famous work, Fathers and Sons.  Since he is considered one of the great writers of the 19th century, it embarrasses me a little that beyond this quote, I do not believe I have ever read any of his work.  It may be time to change that!

I do not know which of Turgenev's writings is actually the source of this quote. I like the message of it though.  I am going to try to remember this advice, and be better at applying it to my life.  I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist. While it is good to do things well, sometimes needing everything to be perfect can prevent any accomplishment at all.

An example of what happens when we wait for the moment when everything is ready ...
My children's (nonexistent) baby books immediately came to my mind when I read this quote for the first time!  My photos were pretty organized and I had kept albums up-to-date up until the day of the birth of my first child.  I wanted just the right system for organizing the memories of my children's lives.  I let so much time go by while I deliberated this, that I never really got started - and the project became overwhelming!  

An example of what happens when we don't ...
Beginning a blog was one of the few major things I have just plunged right into, without a lot of preplanning or assurance that the "time was right."  Had I waited for that moment when everything felt ready, I probably would never have begun.  Instead, while this blog has certainly evolved, and needs to continue to do so, it has been steadily growing and has created for me a lot of happiness over the past six months.

Sometimes you just have to dive right in.

Do you agree with the message of this quote?

This post may be linked to one of the great link-up parties I follow and list on my blog. Check them out!


  1. When I want to consider every possible scenario and take forever to make a decision, my husband calls it paralysis by analysis. So true! If you think about something too much, you might never do it at all.

    1. Paralysis by Analysis! What a perfect description! I may have to borrow that phrase - I certainly will remember it when I am being indecisive!

  2. I have a tendency to wait things out - which most of the time isn't the right decision! I guess starting a blog was diving in (although I thought about it for years before, so maybe not :). Great quote and message! Have a great weekend Susan!

    1. I thought about it for a weekend... I truly did dive right in to blogging! Hope your weekend is wonderful too, Lana! Your rainy forecast arrived here today!

  3. I did a bit of lurking around the blogosphere - then held my nose and jumped right in. And certainly don't regret it.
    And yes, ordinarily I am a watcher and a waiter - and a non achiever as a direct result.

    1. Held your nose ... jumped right in ... love it! I, for one, am a reader who is very glad you started a blog!


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