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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Mountain Goat or Bighorn Sheep?

Several years ago, my husband and a friend were hiking in Glacier National Park, and they came across quite a bit of wildlife.  My daughter learned a lot about Montana fauna in third grade, and she made sure her family knew the difference between a bighorn sheep and a mountain goat!  This trip, however, may have been the first time any of us had seen both species in the same day.

People often have trouble remembering the difference between mountain goats  and bighorn sheep, but the bighorn sheep are the ones with the BIG horns! 

I love this picture of a bighorn sheep, painted in school by my daughter, years ago.

You don't have to enter a National Park to see wildlife in Montana though!  About an hour after my husband left for that hiking trip in Glacier Park, our dog started to bark furiously.  I looked out, and just below our house was a black bear

Such is life in Montana: my husband goes hiking in Glacier National Park - and it is me (at home), who sees a bear!

You never know what will be around the bend of the trail; it is always good to make some noise!

What is the most wildlife you have ever seen on any single outing?
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  1. i have gone to the Maasai Mara and i have seen plenty of animals at one go.

  2. When we used to visit Flathead Lake, we went hiking on Wild Horse Island, and always saw lots of big horn sheep there. I have some great pictures if I could only find them! Love your pics!

    1. Flathead Lake is a really beautiful part of Montana. I'm glad you have had opportunities to enjoy it, Lana!

  3. Imagine Tuesday morning we spotted a hawk on my neighbor's fence...that counts for wildlife on long island lol

  4. Hawks are plentiful here, but I still love to watch them gliding on an air current.

  5. Bear? I would love to see one (or more). We are lucky and see quite a lot of wildlife - avian and others. And I wouldn't have it any other way. Except that I could do without the biting beasts - insects and reptiles.

    1. I like to see them from a distance! I would love to see the kangaroos and koala bears where you live!!


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