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Thursday, September 4, 2014

If I Could Be Anything ...

Making "the most of our moments" sometimes means stepping beyond our comfort zone.  

After voluntarily allowing ice water to be dumped on my head this week, I may have become either more brave or more foolish.  Probably a little of both, as I decided to tackle the second part of this week's Words for Wednesday Challenge
"Write a poem and tell us what you would like to be if you had no restrictions." 

The last poem I can remember writing was a limerick in fifth grade!  I'm not sure my poetic talent has improved much since then - but perhaps these photos of my cat will make up for my literary limitations!

It would be so nice ...

I used to think it would be nice to be a bird or a horse  -  but if I could be any animal, I would definitely choose to be a house cat.

What would your choice be?

This post may be linked to one of the great link-up parties I follow and list on my blog.  Check them out!


  1. A super fun little ditty for a super cute little cat! All these kitty posts are making me miss mine...long gone but never forgotten!

  2. How true it is. Cats rule.
    I have often said that in my next life I would like to be a cat. To make it more challenging, I think I would like to be one of my cats - so that I am suitably indulged.

    1. Cat's DO rule - and I suspect yours really are indulged :)

  3. You nailed it! This is terrific. I would want to be a bird! That way I could travel as far and as often as I wished. I wonder if birds can get Alzheimer's? Thanks so much for your donation! It was very nice of you.

    1. A bird would be a wonderful thing to be. I was happy to donate - a very good cause!

  4. Great job with the poem Susan! I think I would like to be a house cat too. Your cat is so beautiful!

  5. Sorry - but you would get bored as a cat. You are far too active. :)

    1. Maybe - but I also love taking naps in a sunny spot!

  6. Great poem and delightful photos of your fuzzy babe.

    1. Thanks for the word prompt Delores - I won't often be participating with poetry though!

  7. Darling poem and pictures! I would be my dog, she leads a pretty good life!

  8. Excellent! And you said you may be foolish! Banish the thought, Susan. Banish the thought!


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