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Monday, August 25, 2014

Who Needs A Lawn Mower?

One day last week I looked out my front window. In my immediate field of vision was a deer.  It was lying down and pulling up mouthful after mouthful of grass, chewing purposefully in-between each bite.  This sibling of Bambi looked so content, munching as it lay on the soft green grass of our yard, in the shade of our house. 

To a deer - this is like having breakfast in bed!
"Finally," I thought, "a deer that has figured out how to make us both happy!"  

Usually I am shooing the deer away, as they frequently demolish all of the leaves on our bushes and my flowers.  But - watching this one, I wished I could communicate that it was more than welcome to this particular meal.  It would be perfect if this deer invited all of its friends, and they all stuck solely to menu item of sod - and (of course) any weeds as well! They could all eat their fill, and we would have no need for our lawn mower.

Oh - if only!

I wonder how many bites until the lawn is mowed?

These deer are more than welcome to munch on our lawn - if they leave the plants alone!

Hopefully these guys are contemplating getting started on this lawn.

Soon enough, however, food will be scare.  This makes it hard for me to turn visiting deer away, no matter what flowers or plants they want to eat.

Would you be upset if deer ate your plants and flowers?

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  1. We had a deer, a moose, a fox and a gaggle of geese in our yard over the past month...I would love if they took up permanent residence!

    1. How fun. I never get tired of seeing wildlife - although I would prefer they leave my flowers alone!

  2. We have so many deer in our yard, but I've never captured any pictures. Yours are wonderful! Unfortunately, they don't mow the lawn or eat the weeds. Our garden and apple tree are their food of choice!

    1. Eating the lawn is rare - hence the photo! Too bad we can't train them to do what we want!

  3. Great photos and good of you to share with the deer!

    1. It only seems fair - after all, they were here first!

  4. Oh how adorable! I know a lot of people find deer to be pesky but they sure are beautiful creatures!

    1. I agree. They are really cute, but people also need to remember they are wild animals and can be dangerous if approached.

  5. I think if we had deer I might try to "engineer" the yard so the flowers were above their height. We used to have goats, and they're basically tame deer that give milk. The trick with them was to ensure that everything they liked to eat was at their level; we kept the more decorative stuff up high, where they couldn't get it.

    1. An interesting idea! They do only eat the leaves off the trees and bushes as high as they can reach. I usually try to plant things that they typically won't eat - Potentilla, Russian Sage, most herbs, etc - but that doesn't mean they won't still nibble those!

  6. We lose things in the garden to birds. Rather a lot of things. And I sigh, and plant more. They were here first, and their need is greater. I sometimes wish that they didn't so unerringly choose the things I am fondest of though.

    1. My thoughts exactly, when it comes to our deer!

  7. Here in SC the deer are the size of a German Shepherds but they still get into the garden! I miss the big beautiful deer from back home in KY except the one who came through my windshield at 75 mph. I don't miss that one at all!

    1. Oh no Rena - what a scary accident! I hope you were alright. Hitting a deer on the highway is a real risk here - and a huge fear of mine.

  8. We have no deer in our yard so it's easy for me to say it wouldn't bother me if they ate my plants.

    1. Lucky you - although I would miss seeing them if they no longer visited!

  9. This is so funny. It would be great if you could get them to do what you want.
    Have a great day.

    1. Wouldn't it?! Thanks for your comment, Debi!


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