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Sunday, May 25, 2014

Will I Never Learn?

As usual, I underestimated.

I had such high expectations for this weekend.  I was thinking that by the end of today we would have laid all of our mulch. 

In hindsight, my goals were a little lofty. Will I never learn that projects always take much longer than we think they will? Even when expectations are reasonable - which mine were not!

5 cubic yards of mulch doesn't look like a lot,
until you start hauling wheelbarrows full!
At 4:30 pm today, this was our pile of shredded bark:

Looking exactly like it did when it was dumped there on Friday.

Fortunately, the prep work turned out to be the hard part, and over the next three hours we got quite a bit done.  The pile is smaller. We have made progress.  Not even close to finished, as I had dreamed we would be - but getting there. Good thing tomorrow is another day.  

Do your projects take longer than you expect them?
I should rephrase that.

Have you ever finished a project as quickly as you expected to?


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Linda. Thank you for visiting - and thanks so much for the compliment! I just liked your blog on Facebook. So many good beauty tips - hopefully I can learn a lot from them! Have a wonderful day.

  2. From experience I've learned it always take longer than expected. I'm wishing I had done more seeding yesterday as it is raining still. But my aching hands tell me I did enough for one day.

    1. So my question is - if we know it takes longer than expected - why don't we expect it to take longer?!
      My hands are aching today too - and my back, shoulders, hips ... . Heading back out as soon as I finish blogging though.

  3. Phhht all our projects take longer with many trips back and forth to home depot! We are always naive enough to believe it won't take too long!

    1. Oh yes -- those trips to the hardware store. We never seem to have everything we need (this time it was fertilizer!) Glad to hear we are not the only ones. :)

  4. Everyone in my family hates yard work, yet every house we've lived in has had a high maintenance yard! Right now we live on a hill, and our yard keeps sinking - we brought in so much dirt last year, and now it looks like we did nothing! Oh well... Your picture of the dirt pile was very artistic :).

    1. My husband was grumbling ”this is not what I live in Montana for” and at one point said he was going inside to look at houses for sale in California - so we could ”move there and get a gardener.” This was supposed to be a low maintenance property - but it has turned out to be anything but. Sigh.
      Thanks for the compliment on the photo --- just grabbed the camera and snapped a picture! I'm sort of surprised it turned out as well as it did!

    2. Okay, that's hysterical. Sounds like something my husband would do. He was so happy it was raining this weekend so we couldn't get anything done outside!

    3. I'm glad the rain made someone happy ;)

  5. Thanks for the compliment on the photo --- just grabbed the camera and snapped a picture! I'm sort of surprised it turned out as well as it did!


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