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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Seven Ways to Make the Most of a Moment - Week 8

Life is made up of many moments.  

Getting the very most out of your life starts with how you use each one. 

Here are this week’s suggestions:

1. Read your local newspaper every day.  I enjoy the paper version, but if you prefer, read it on-line. This is a great way to remain up-to-date on major news stories, local happenings, and achievements of people you may even know.
A week's worth of our local paper!

2. Remember to VOTE in every election.  An absentee ballot can facilitate this, if you find it hard to get to the polls.
The envelope for my absentee ballot

3. Take your dog for a walk.  My dog is recovering from knee surgery, and her “rehabilitation orders” for this week require four-15 minute walks each day.  Finding time for this many walks can be a challenge  - but it is the highlight of her day, and good for me too!
Our dog's fur is really starting to grow back since her surgery on her right hind leg.

4.  Keep an assortment of greeting cards on hand.  It will make it just a little bit easier to show friends and family that you care.
Boxes of cards I have accumulated over time

5. Have you read The Help by Kathryn Stockett?  It made me laugh, cry, and rage as it provided some insight into life in Mississippi in the early 60's.  I enjoyed the movie too.

6. Despite a remarkable lack of dialog, All is Lost kept me on the edge of my seat throughout the film.  Robert Redford, 77 years old at the time of filming, apparently did most of his own stunts in this film about a man struggling to survive in the Indian Ocean.  In an interview by Terri Gross on NPR’s Fresh Air, he talked about what he liked about the film.  

7. Need some portable healthy snacks ideas for road trips or picnics this summer?  I found some great ideas by blogger Nike at Choose to Thrive.  Check them out here
Nike's directions said to use a jar, but I found this wide-mouthed plastic container worked well.

Which of these seven tips did you find most interesting or helpful? Why?


  1. I LOVED 'The Help' - the book was great and I liked the movie pretty well too, but the book was better. I am a big note card person too. I try to vote n every election, but I will admit I have missed a year or two in the 20 years since I turned 18. Fun post!

    1. Sounds to me like your voting record is pretty commendable, Susan. I liked the book better too - but I always do! Thanks for commenting.

  2. Susan- Loved this post today! I read the "paper" paper everyday - the boys keep telling me to read it online, but I like the real one! Your dog is so cute - sorry about the surgery! 4 walks a day? Wow - you are a sweet, dedicated pet owner. I LOVED The Help, both the book and the movie. Celery and peanut butter is so good!

    1. Thanks Lana! Another reason to have the paper delivered - you can clip the articles of interest and put them on your fridge! :)


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