Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Happy (belated) Birthday Harper Lee!

Yesterday, in my acceptance of the Liebster Award, I answered a question about which famous celebrity I would like to meet.  I didn't mention Harper Lee, but she certainly was a person I considered naming.

Below is a tribute to her, posted recently on facebook by A Mighty Girl:
(I love their posts, by the way!)

In her book To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee addressed many issues of society which we still wrestle with today.  I think she would be a fabulous person to speak with and that one could learn a lot from her ... about kindness, social justice and how to write an amazing book!

Happy Birthday Ms. Lee!

Monday, April 28, 2014

The Liebster Award - My First Blog Award!

The Liebster Award is passed on by a previous recipient to bloggers with less than 500 followers. The purpose of the award it to recognize up and coming blogs, and to give them a little boost in followers and blogging confidence. I have done a little research, and it appears the Liebster Award has been passed from one blogger to another, much like a chain letter, since at least 2010. There are no judges or actual award, yet it is an honor to have one's own blog nominated, and to be able to recognize other young blogs by passing it along.  
The recipient is under no obligation to participate, however should he/she choose to do so, there are some rules to follow.  In order to accept the award, the nominee must do the following: 
  • Make a post about the award, thanking the blogger that nominated you. (It is a nice courtesy to provide a link to their blog here)
  • State 11 interesting facts about yourself
  • Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger that nominated you
  • Nominate 11 new bloggers with 500 or less followers 
  • Write 11 new questions for your nominees
Be sure to leave a comment on each of the new blogs you have selected, informing them of the award -  with a link to your Liebster post with the above information.

As you have possibly already guessed ... 
the reason I am writing about the Liebster Award, is that 

Thank you Lana!

Tremendous encouragement and support from other bloggers has been a wonderful surprise benefit of blogging. I have already begun to enjoy some new friendships. 

Last  weekend I  received the honor of being nominated for the Liebster Award by Lana, at Two Teens and Their Mama. Thank you SO much Lana - it is truly a privilege, and I am thrilled that you think my blog is worthy of the award!  I am very pleased to accept it, and pass it on to others!

So here goes ...

11 Interesting Facts About Me:

1. I cannot sing.  At all. (Or at least you wouldn't want to listen to me!)

2.  I once nursed a very sick goldfish back to health, because my children loved it so much.

3.  When I got married, I wore my mother's wedding dress, with alterations sewn by my mother-in-law.

4.  I have a difficult time with facial recognition, and may not recognize someone I know or think I 
know someone I have never met!  This can be embarrassing!

5.  If  I had a choice to live life as something besides a human, I would be a house cat! 

6. I read all of the Harry Potter books aloud to my kids, and I pronounced Hermione wrong the 
entire time!

7.   I dislike driving in bad weather, in cities, or on crowded highways!

8.  When I was about 11, I called the Zoo to find out how I could get a pet monkey!  (They 
discouraged this idea, so it never got to the point where I had to convince my parents.)

9. A broken leg turned out to be one of the best things that ever happened to me!

10.  I think chocolate and peanut butter is one of the best combinations ever - especially if ice 
cream is involved!

11.  Once I start writing, hours can go by and it is often 2 am before I get to bed!

My answers to Lana's questions

 1.  What is your favorite color? 
It was yellow until I realized wearing it was NOT complimentary of my complexion!  Now, it is probably blue - the color of the Montana sky.

2.What would you wish for if you had a magic lamp.
I figured out a long time ago that the best answer to this question would be to wish for a million wishes! With those, I'd wish for:
  • Happiness for family and friends - which would ensure that they were also then safe, healthy and wealthy enough to be happy!  
  • World peace, the end of world hunger,a stop to global warming, of course, and similar things to make the world a better place.
  • An indoor soccer facility, and a new Natatorium (50 meter x 25 yard indoor competition pool and warm-up pool) for our community. 
  •  To be able to continue writing and blogging, because it has been so much fun thus far!
3.  What is your guiltiest pleasure.
Ice cream is the first thing that popped into my mind!

4. What made you decide to blog?
When I realized many freelance writers have blogs, and it appealed to me. I did not realize until I actually started blogging though, how much there would be to learn and what a fun, creative outlet it would be.  

5. If you could have dinner with any celebrity who would it be?
The King of Spain, Rey Juan Carlos.  
My family was living in Spain when Generalissimo Francisco Franco died.  He had been a dictator in that country for almost 40 years.  It was a time of great political uncertainty and there was great concern of a coup. I remember my school being abruptly closed for a bit, people being forbidden to gather anywhere in large groups, and being told it was better not to speak of Franco aloud. Fortunately, Juan Carlos, the appointed successor, was peacefully able to assumed leadership and led the transition to democracy.  I have always wondered what that time was like for him. It would be interesting to hear a first hand account of his perspective, and gain a better understanding of what was actually happening in Spain at that time.

6.  What was your best vacation?  
With "nomadic" parents, a spirit of wanderlust, and an adventurous spouse, I am fortunate to have had many adventures and good vacations.  I can not pick one as better than the rest - but maybe the best vacation is always the one being looked forward to next!

7. What do you collect?
In my 20's I began collecting a Christmas tree ornament from each vacation or new country  I visited.  Even when an ornament has been unavailable to purchase, I have always found some small meaningful item to hang on the tree.

8.  Disneyland or Disney World?
I've enjoyed both, but I would have to say Disneyland.  When I was 12 my family  visited LA, and dear, dear family friends (our honorary aunt and uncle) who lived there got us "Keys to the Kingdom" for a day.  They seemed to be a part of a magic, as her name was "Mickey" and "Uncle" Keith could carry on an entire conversation talking just like Donald Duck!  In later years I realized just how special these two people really were, even if they were not officially a part of Disney!

9. What is the first thing you do in the morning?
 Since starting my blog, the first thing I do in the morning is turn off my phone alarm, then check it for new blog comments, emails, and Facebook posts! lol!

10.  What is your favorite holiday?
Mother's day!  I was SO excited the first year I knew I was going to be a mom - and I have considered it a day to celebrate ever since!  

11.  What advice would you give your 16 year old self?
I would encourage myself to try to develop a wide range of interests and not just focus on a career path.  As a writer now, I regret not having taken college electives in some other subjects besides mostly nursing and science.  

My 11 Nominees for the Liebster Award

It is sometimes difficult to know if a blog fits the Liebster criteria, so if any of these do not, I hope their authors will just take it as a compliment that I have enjoyed their blogs!

 1. Kerlundphoto  

 3. She Read until the lights had long since gone out 
 4. To Work with My Hands 
 5. My Aud Life
 6. Chocolate and Sunshine  
 7. Inkstruck 
 8. Pecked to Death By Chickens   
 9. Minnesota Farm Living 
10. Karen's Lists
11. Simply Kiersten 

11 Questions for my Nominees:

1. What writing and internet experience did you have before you began your blog?
2.  What is the most challenging part of blogging for you?
3. What is your favorite season and why?
4. If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
5. What is your favorite meal?
6. How would you describe the decor of your home?
7. Who is your favorite movie or tv actor?
8. What is your oldest memory, and how old were you at that time?
9. What if your favorite way to relax?
10. If you won the lottery, what would you do?
11.  What is your favorite thing about blogging?

Many thanks again to Lana of Two Teens and Their Mama for nominating me, and congratulations to all of the bloggers above.  I hope my readers will click on their links and explore their blogs as well as my own.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Words to Live By - Week 5

A day late, but this is the 5th in a weekly series of this post.  If you are new to my blog, this is what it is all about:

The cover of one of my notepads suggests ways we should live more and live less.  Inspired by this message (on Friday, March 28th, 2014), I wrote a post about "Words to Live By."  I have decided to make weekly updates to this post, until I start repeating myself!  I promise each weekly update will contain more information than just the five new phrases though!

Readers are invited to use the comment section below, if they have new ideas of "words to live by" which would complete the phrase _____________ more. ______________ less."

(Any time I use an idea that is not mine, I will credit the contributor and their blog, if they have one. Just keep it family friendly, please!)

Here are the ideas for this week:

Last week's suggestion of "Wag more, Bark less" inspired me to continue with an animal theme this week!  Here are two phrases I saw on merchandise from the website cafepress.com:

Howl more.  Growl less.
Purr more. Hiss less.

The next three phrases just sort of came to me:

Whinny more.  Kick less.
Swim more.  Belly up less.
Groom more. Shed less.

Just as a reminder 

Here is the list of phrases from previous posts: 

Love more. Fight less.
Enjoy more. Complain less.
Believe more. Doubt less.
Relax more. Worry less.

Play more. Work less. 

Praise more. Criticize less.
Read more.  Waste time less.
Promote equality more. Oppress less.

Exercise more. Eat less. 
Conserve more. Pollute less. 

Laugh more. Stress less. (“Anonymous”)
Listen more. Talk less.  (“Anonymous”)
Be brave more.  Fear less.
Donate more. Hoard less.
Achieve more.  Procrastinate less.

Give more. Take less.
Sleep more.  Stay up late less.
Eat healthy foods more.  Eat junk food less.
Smile more.  Frown less.
Wash hands more. Get sick less.

Walk more. Drive less.
Recycle more. Throw out less. 
Vote more. Complain less. 
Study more.  Skip school less. 
Wag more.  Bark less.

This notepad is from the Eccolo World Traveler "Lofty Thinking" collection.  The author of the words is unknown.

Many thanks to any readers who take the time to comment.

I'm trying to live more, not less.  How about you?  
What suggestions do you have?

Thursday, April 24, 2014

How to Wash Really Tiny Items in Your Dishwasher

 Have you ever wanted to wash some tiny items in the dishwasher,but were afraid they would end up lying on the bottom of the dishwasher because they are so small? I'm pretty sure you can buy a basket to place them in, but I don't own one.
One day, when I wanted to "sterilize" a few little things in the dishwasher, I decided to improvise.  I created a basket that worked so well, it is all I have used since.  And the best news is that it was free.
Here is how,in just a few minutes, you can make your own dishwasher basket for tiny items to be cleaned:
I used this homemade dishwasher basket to clean some small vials without them scattering through my dishwasher.

Supplies needed:
  • 2 plastic strawberry baskets
  • plastic coated wire, such as the sturdy plastic twist ties used to hold items in place inside hard plastic packaging 

Directions (really easy!):
  • Place items  you wish to wash in the dishwasher in the bottom of one of the baskets.
  • Invert the second basket and use it as a lid, stuffing it down into the bottom basket.  This may necessitate crunching it a little, or even cutting apart one of the baskets a bit. 
  • Weave the metal ties loosely around two baskets, fastening them together.  Twist the ends together where they meet to secure them.  Just be sure there is not any large enough gaps for an item to fall out.
  • Place this covered basket in the top rack.  Poking one of the dishwasher "spokes" through the basket to help hold it in place. 
  • Run the dishwasher as usual.
  • Unload dishwasher when done.  unfasten and remove the twist ties; remove your items.
  • If any items filled with water, drip dry upside down, or dry them with a towel. 
  • If desired, save your new dishwasher basket, and reuse as needed, by repeating the above steps.

I just realized I may have fulfilled the promise I made in Tuesday's post (4/22/14) to come up with a repurposed and recycled craft.  I actually even made this before I knew about the challenge Elle issued on her All Around the Circle blog! I guess it is maybe more of a project than a craft - but hopefully that's ok!

Have you ever made a craft from recycled materials?

All Around The Circle: A SAHM Going Round The Circle Daily

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A Love Story

Watching my parents greet each other, after my dad had a successful and uneventful surgery today, was a wonderful way to spend a moment!

Months of pain, and anxiety over the complexity of the surgery  (a surgical revision of a previous hip replacement), dissolved in relief.  My parents have "made the most of every moment" of their 56 years together, and it is heartwarming to know that this surgery will offer an opportunity to resume an active life together.

I will be with my parents throughout the coming week, and unfortunately Internet access is limited in the hospital. Although I hope to keep up with blogging, if I miss a day or two, I am apologizing now!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Seven Ways to Make the Most of a Moment - Week 5

I can't believe this is my fifth week of writing this post!  The moments are really flying by!

Life is made up of many moments.  
Getting the very most out of your life starts with how you use each one. 

Here are this week’s suggestions:

(In honor of Earth Day, there is an environmental theme to these.)

1.  Today is Earth Day!  I was reminded of this in a post by Elle, on her blog All Around The Circle.  She provided some interesting information about Earth Day, and even a link to an Earth Day button to purchase.  I like the message on the button: "EARTH DAY, EVERY DAY."  Start an Earth friendly habit today (such as turning out the lights when you are the last to leave a room), and be mindful of that habit every day.  I think I will take Elle's challenge, and try to come up with an upcycled, repurposed, or recycled craft ... it might even be the subject of a future blog post!

Deer enjoying one of the trees we planted.

2.  Plant a tree.  These few moments of labor (or even hiring someone else to plant it for you) will have long-term results!  I can't believe how big the trees we planted around our house just over a decade ago have gotten.  They add beauty, a home for birds and wildlife, and shade.  Check with your local nursery about best times to plant and the most optimal trees to grow in your area.

3.Do some reading about the environment:  One book that comes immediately to mind:
  • An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore.  Whether you are in agreement or a skeptic of climate change, before you form an opinion, this is a book to read.

4. Here are two movies I enjoyed, which would be perfect for an Earth Day movie night:
  •  March of the Penguins  -  I can't decide if the scenery or the penguins are the biggest  star of this National Geographic movie.
  •  Erin Brockovich  - This movie was based on true environmental legal issues, and had me on the edge of my seat.

5.  Use a refillable water bottle.  It only takes a minute to fill up, and every time you do so there is one less piece of plastic waste on Earth.

6.  Use public transportation, or carpool when you can.

7. Get out and see the world!  The more beautiful places I visit, the more I realize just how precious our one and only Earth is!  Everywhere I go, if I pay attention to  my surroundings, I am reminded that EVERY DAY should be Earth day.

Our Earth is such a beautiful place!!

How do you celebrate Earth Day?

Monday, April 21, 2014

A Moment of Opportunity Can Disappear - Just Like the Hot Air of a Landed Hot Air Balloon.

Moments of opportunity can be fleeting.  This seems to be a fact that I (the author of a blog about making the most of every moment) need to be taught again and again!  This morning I had one of those lessons.

I was driving to the kennel to pick up our dog, after a weekend away.  On the way there, I pass a lot of open fields.  In one, I saw an unusual sight.

This is what went through my mind:

“Wait - is that a hot air balloon?
 Yes, it is.  Is it real? 
 It is!  
But what is it doing in that field?
Aren't they usually deflated unless the burner is going?  Can it be real?”

I drove closer and could see more clearly ….

“Oh wow - there are people in the basket!  Oh, and people on the ground too.  And the basket is a few feet off the ground!  Is it going up  - or down?  
Should I pull over and watch?  Is that rude?  Would I be in the way?  Maybe I'll just go up the road a bit and pull over.
Oh wow - it bounced!  Now the people on the ground are running to it.  They surrounded it and are grabbing it, and tugging on it.
Did it really just land?  Wish I had noticed it coming down!  Or was this a failed attempt to rise and they are going to try again?  The burner is still lit - I can see the flame.
Oops.  Four-way stop.  Better concentrate!
Darn, now there really isn't a good place to pull over.  Oh well, I will stop on the way back.
I don't really have time, with so much to do today, but you don't see a hot air balloon land every day!
I really want a picture, the balloon is so pretty.”

So - that was a pretty frighteningly honest glimpse into the chatter of my mind, but you get the idea.

I missed photographing a real balloon today, but this ornament is from Albuquerque, New Mexico,
home of the Albuquerque International Balloon Festival.

And now - the lesson.

I was only a few minutes picking up our dog, but by the time I drove back, the hot air balloon was gone from sight.  Just as I drove by the field, I saw a number of people holding what must have been the folded up balloon, and stuffing it into a truck bed.  I had missed my opportunity.  Had I just slowed and stopped when I first saw the balloon, I might have had a different story to tell - and a photo of a balloon.  Just to prove I'm not a slow learner though, I have found an opportunity in my missed opportunity.  I hope I can use the memory of this event as a reminder to be more ready to act on opportunities as they occur.

I do wish I had a photo of that beautiful balloon to post here today though!

What moments of opportunities have you missed?
Have you ever turned a missed opportunity into an opportunity?

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter, and Happy Spring!

 I had a happy Easter day at Big Sky, MT
It was fun to ski the last day of the season - in 50º weather, under sunshine and blue skies!
I hope all of my readers had a beautiful day too!
Thank you for visiting my blog.
Make the most of all of your moments!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Strawberry Rhubarb Pie; Perfect for Easter Dessert

Are you still trying to come up with an idea for dessert for Easter Dinner?  My “Spring fruit pie” isn't hard to make, and everyone loves it. You can even take a shortcut, and use refrigerated pie crust, so it can easily be ready for tomorrow!

Easter cookie cutters can be used to make cut-outs in the top crust to make this pie even more seasonal!

The original recipe was submitted by Ms. Carol Crawford to the National Grange Bicentennial Year Cookbook.  My Grandmother gave me this cookbook, and it has been well used - so much so that the binding is badly in need of repair!   This pie is delicious when made according to the original recipe, but  I have made a number of modifications of my own.

Here is my version:

Susan's Spring Pie

Pre-heat over to 425 degrees F.
  • Pastry for one 2-crust pie (your favorite recipe or store-bought refrigerated pie dough)
  • 2 c. sliced strawberries
  • 2 c. 1-inch pieces of rhubarb
  • 1 c. blueberries
  • 1/2 c. drained crushed pineapple
  • 2 tbsp. lemon juice
  • 1 cu. sugar
  • 1/3 c. minute tapioca (uncooked)
  • dash of salt
  • 1 egg white mixed with 1 tbsp of water
Pre-heat over to 425 degrees F.
Line a deep pie dish with pastry.  
Wash fruit and slice as directed above.  
Combine strawberries, rhubarb, blueberries, pineapple, lemon juice, sugar, minute tapioca and salt.  Pour mixture into pie crust in pan.  
Use small cookie cutters to cut a few shapes out of top crust before laying it on top of pie.  Set cut out pieces aside.

Cover with top crust, seal pastry edges together.  Cut several slits in top crust and lay cut out pieces of pie dough decoratively on intact areas of crust.
Brush top of pie crust lightly with a little of the egg white/ water mixture.  This will give crust a lovely shine.
Bake pie in pre-heated oven on middle rack, for 40 - 45 minutes or until done.  It may be necessary to cover edges with foil part way through cooking to prevent them from getting too brown.

This pie is a wonderful dessert, especially when served with a good vanilla ice cream!

Crawford, Carol. ""Spring Fruit Pie" " National Grange Bicentennial Year Cookbook. Montgomery, AL: Favorite Recipes, [c.1976]. 217. Print.

What is your favorite Spring dessert?
Happy Easter.  Happy Spring.

DIY Show Off

Friday, April 18, 2014

Words to Live By - Week 4

This is the 4th in a weekly series of this post.  If you are new to my blog, this is what it is all about:

The cover of one of my notepads suggests ways we should live more and live less.  Inspired by this message (on Friday, March 28th, 2014), I wrote a post about "Words to Live By."  I have decided to make weekly updates to this post, until I start repeating myself!  I promise each weekly update will contain more information than just the five new phrases though!

Readers are invited to use the comment section below, if they have new ideas of "words to live by" which would complete the phrase _____________ more. ______________ less."

(Any time I use an idea that is not mine, I will credit the contributor and their blog, if they have one. Just keep it family friendly, please!)

Here are the ideas for this week:

Walk more. Drive less.
Recycle more. Throw out less. 
Vote more. Complain less. 
Study more.  Skip school less. *

  • * In the report "Executive Summary: Report on Truancy and Dropout Prevention" published  by the American Bar Association,  it was stated: "Truancy has been clearly identified as an early warning sign for potential substance abuse, delinquency, teen pregnancy, and dropping out of school."  While missing the occasional class for illness or even a family vacation is unlikely to lead to  these behaviors, it does seem  important for more than just academic reasons for kids to be committed to attending school regularly!
Wag more.  Bark less. **

  • **The last suggestion “Wag more, Bark less” is from a comment last week by blogger Lana's dog, Abby! (Two Teens and Their Mama).  I once had a Wag more, Bark less button pinned to my backpack until it fell off, but I hadn't thought of the expression while writing this post.  Great advice for both humans and dogs!  Thanks Abby!)

Just as a reminder 

Here is the list of phrases from previous posts: 

Love more. Fight less.
Enjoy more. Complain less.
Believe more. Doubt less.
Relax more. Worry less.

Play more. Work less. 

Praise more. Criticize less.
Read more.  Waste time less.
Promote equality more. Oppress less.

Exercise more. Eat less. 
Conserve more. Pollute less. 

Laugh more. Stress less. (“Anonymous”)
Listen more. Talk less.  (“Anonymous”)
Be brave more.  Fear less.
Donate more. Hoard less.
Achieve more.  Procrastinate less.

Give more. Take less.
Sleep more.  Stay up late less.
Eat healthy foods more.  Eat junk food less.
Smile more.  Frown less.
Wash hands more. Get sick less.

This notepad is from the Eccolo World Traveler "Lofty Thinking" collection.  The author of the words is unknown.

Many thanks to any readers who take the time to comment.

I'm trying to live more, not less.  How about you?  
What suggestions do you have?

Thursday, April 17, 2014

It's Spring, But Ski Season Isn't Over Everywhere Just Yet!

In much of North America, this has felt like the winter without an end.  Many people have become tired of snow and cold temperatures.  Spring just hasn't come quickly enough.

Except, perhaps, for skiers.

Lone Peak, Big Sky Resort, Montana

This week marks the end of ski season at some ski resorts.  You and your family may be heading out for one last chance to ski before next winter.  Spring skiing can be a pleasant experience, with sunny skies and warmer temperatures than during the winter months.  It still takes some planning though, to be sure you have the appropriate attire and gear.

In January, I had an article published on Yahoo Voices called, “How to Dress For Skiing So You Are Warm, Comfortable and Safe.”  I'm mentioning it now, as it might be a helpful reference* for anyone planning one last ski trip this year.  Be especially sure to remember the sunscreen!

Whatever your plans this weekend, be safe and have fun!

What time of year to you prefer to ski?  Do you have a favorite place to go?

*10/4/14 NOTE: The link to the article mentioned does not currently work, as the site it was published on is no longer in existence.  I apologize for this inconvenience, and when I republish it this winter, I will update the link.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

World's Toughest Job.

Once again, inspiration for my topic today has come from Facebook.  

My daughter shared the following video on Facebook yesterday, with a note telling me that she loves me and that I am "literally the best."  Of course I got teary-eyed.

Watch the video from American Greetings, and you just might too.  

(This is my first time embedding a video into a blog post - so I hope it works!)

World's Toughest Job


This post is for anyone who is a mom - or has ever had a mother.

Now I need to show MY mom this video, and tell her that I think she is "literally the best"!  (Actually, I probably won't need to show her, because it is likely she will have already seen it.  She has always been supportive of everything I do - so of course she reads my blog!)   
Thanks Mom - for everything.

Feel free to share this message with your mom too - now, or perhaps as a gift on Mother's Day! 

( I promise a future post about the specialness of Dad's!  They are pretty awesome too!)

What is the toughest job you have ever had?

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Seven Ways to make the Most of a Moment - Week 4

Life is made up of many moments.  
Getting the very most out of your life starts with how you use each one. 

Here are this week’s suggestions:

1. Three bloggers commented on my post “Seven Ways to Make the Most of a Moment -Week 3.
  • Lana (Two Teens and Their Mama) agreed that a book should always be read before the movie.
  • Jen (JENerally Informed) said she would “add to stop what you are doing sometimes and take a moment to really look around you and see what is going on in that moment around you.” 
  • Raquel (Organized Island) advised “not rushing through life, but using time wisely to appreciate all the wonderful things in life.”
I have really enjoyed reading all three of their blogs - and you might too!

2.  Make coffee and have it ready for your spouse or roommate when he/she gets up. I am spoiled - my husband does this almost every morning.  On weekends, he even makes lattes!  I am grateful!
Best way to start my day!

3.  Remember to regularly change the oil in your car.  I just had mine done yesterday!

4.  Make a new recipe.  I just tried this recipe, from Catherine Newman on Disneyfamily.com and if you like German Chocolate Cake, I think you will love these German Chocolate Cookies. We do!

These turned out well, don't you think? Good thing there were a few left for me to take this photo today!

5.  Next time you are caught out in the rain, remember how that moisture makes flowers grow and reduces the risk of forest fires.

6. Need a good book?  Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford is one of my favorites.  It is a novel, but gives some insight into the Japanese Internment in Seattle. I am on my library's waiting list to borrow Songs of Willow Frost, his second novel.  I can't wait to read it - and will let you know what I think!

For a minute I thought the book Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet had been made into a movie - until I realized the YouTube movie trailer I watched is for a movie that doesn't exist!  None-the-less, the beautiful music and slide show makes this trailer is worth seeing, and it will give you a hint to the plot of the book.

7.  How about a movie?
We just watched the movie About Time, and I thought it was great!