Thursday, November 13, 2014

Nine Things I Actually Love About Winter

Writing this post is my attempt at an attitude adjustment.

Sunday afternoon it was 45 degrees F. outside.  By the next morning it was just above zero (well below freezing) and the ground was icy and snow covered.  Over the past four days, our outdoor thermometer readings have hovered around zero - changing only to dip as low as minus 8 degrees F (-22.2.Celsius.)

I almost always absolutely love living in Montana.  However, there are times, such as today, when I have questioned exactly WHY it is we live here?  In fact, I think I was chanting the question aloud today as I was driving home in my ice-cold car.

Rather than grumble though, I  challenged myself to come up with a list of ten things I love about these cold, short days. Here is what I came up with:

Ten  Nine Things I actually love about winter.  

1.  Sunshine glittering beautifully on snowy hills and mountains.

2.  The kitchen isn't too hot for baking, and it is the season for soups and stews.

3. My pets don't shed as much as they do other times of the year.

4. A hot tub is a lot more fun in winter than in summer

5. Pomegranates and clementines are in season

6.  Christmas (and my daughter will be home from college!)

7.Ski season (I am an ambivalent skier, but skiing makes my husband and son very happy!)

8. Hot tea and a warm fireplace

9. Winter has lots of warmer days; it doesn't last forever; and it is followed by Spring!

10.   - - -

I only came up with nine reasons (not ten)!  If I think about this longer, however, I am sure that other good things about winter will come to mind. Reminding myself of this list, along with all that I “sort of like but don’t actually love” about these cold weather months, will make the less desirable parts of winter more bearable. Maybe I still love living in Montana, after all!

What is winter like where you live - and what do you like about it?

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  1. One of the things that I love about winter is wearing sweaters! I live in Ohio where the weather can change by the hour ;-) 30's today...maybe a flurry or two tomorrow.
    Hope to visit Montana someday...a dream for me and my husband. Enjoy the snow!

  2. I lived in Cincinnati for a while - and I do remember the weather there. Our snow here is actually lighter and easier to shovel! Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting +LLFarm!

  3. Great list! I think if you live where there's snow you have to embrace the positive aspects of it in order to stay happy. Your snowfall pictures are beautiful and your soups and fire look so cozy!

    1. So true ... I don't like to be cold, but a day of skiing or snowshoeing can be fun and people who love winter sports can't wait for the snow to fall.

  4. Our winters are much, much milder than yours. I welcome them every year. I love finally being able to snuggle into bed at night. I love not being a sad and soggy mess within seconds of stepping outside. I love the pared back elegance of tree branches against the sky. Hot chocolate, comfort foods. Hunkering down at home with a good book (or six). The crackle of frost underfoot. Ice diamonds on spiderwebs. Brilliant blue skies.
    Summer? Bleah.

    1. My husband likes the heat turned down at night, so on these subzero days I am not snuggling down in bed ... I am huddled trying to be warm! :) For me - I'd much rather be too warm than too cool!

  5. We had snow this morning, temps at -2 and a ridge of ice on each and every step. I can't honestly think of one good thing about winter and I'm seriously considering getting a passport and going to Florida.

  6. I love your positive attitude about winter. I think I would like it more if we had cold, sunny days or snow - but for Seattle, winter means months of gray rain. I'm definitely getting less tolerant of it as I get older.

    1. The amount of sunshine that we get here is the only thing that makes it bearable! If it were gray and dreary, I would be long gone!

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  9. Hello there.

    First, thanks for stopping by Y I'm Writeous today via sits and for your email. That alone has encouraged my 💜.

    I lived in Michigan forb17 year's and the one thing I loved was the beauty of the snowfall and being able to leave groceries in the car and not have to go directly home.😆

    I am now back in Nevada and enjoying every single bit of the blue skies and sunshine 🌞. I can drive 45 minutes away of I want snow or return to visit all of my friends in MI or my Bestie in MN.

    Have a Wonderful Friday

    1. Thanks for commenting Yulunda. You have lived in some beautiful places!

  10. Great list Susan - our winters here on the island (NY) have been much colder lately and each year it seems we are getting more snow storms - i also remember milder winters where we didn't get any storms (oh I wish) - there not much I like about winters - i like cozying up under blankets and watching a movie - my evening tea - hot chocolate- and crocheting - :) keep warm

    1. The East has been hammered by some wicked winters the past few years... I hope this year is a little milder for you!

  11. We just had our first cold snap - freezing rain left ice covering everything this morning, and lots of branches came down from the weight over night!

    I have to admit, I mostly like the winter, except when it goes to extremes like this. I adore being cozy, but I hate being stuck on top of a giant hill wondering if we'll run out of food before it all melts enough for us to make it to the store!!

    1. Freezing rain is absolutely the worst! I hate it most especially when it damages the trees. Hope temperatures warm up for you soon.

  12. It usually snows a lot in winter where we live. I don't like the cold season very much, but I like cooking stew and soup, too.

    1. After seeing the Warren Miller film this year, my son has decided he wants to ski in Japan. It did appear that your mountainous area gets a LOT of snow!


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